Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A fated encounter, and reality begins to set in

Some of you know that in preparation for Russia I have been acclimating myself to being more superstitious, fatalism, eating chickens, and serendipity. Well today, providence showed her face, and I met a fascinating woman, at Planned Parenthood. If that isn't fate, I really don't know what is.

I went in to get tested for the HIV (pronounced as a word not an acronym of course), I met Tamara. She just happened to be the nurse called in to take my blood, and she was from Ukraine! She spoke Russian and Ukrainian, obviously, and we exchanged a little Russian, but I was so nervous we switched to English. We started talking and she was so insightful. She told me about traveling there, and what people where like. I explained to her that I was learning Russian because I am interested in specializing in Russo-Ukrainian relations, and that I cant wait to go to both places. But I also told her I was nervous, some people native to both countries wonder how I think I could understand their situation better than natives. She totally calmed me though, and said that motivation and an inexplicable love for a place could get you just as far or father than being merely born there. Tamara was FANTASTIC, and I can't believe I met her. She was a sign! I am on the right track!!! Russia here I come, watch out.

This weekend, I went to the Minneapolis Gay Pride Festival and it was fantastic. So, I had to pick up a Pride shot glass to take over to the Motherland in order to encourage the more, and sadly, closeted community over there.

I ALSO received my letter of invitation! It looks so official and weirdly still Soviet. No contemporary, modern styles for them. Still workin' through that stationary commissioned by Khrushchev I guess.

AND biggest of all I got my plane ticket!!!!!! It is a lovely one-way, flying on SAS. I'll fortunately be traveling with three of my trip members, so that is handy. AND I have a 5 hr layover in Stockholm so hopefully I can grab coffee in the same place that Stephmoney did when she was there! I think that would be sooooo neat. MIND MELD in a physical sense. LIFE meld.

What else, I get my visa soon. And my lovely Aunt Sara, gave me my 21st birthday present! Even though  its not till fall, she wanted to give it to me so I could use it because its a CAMERA!!! AND she didn't even know that I had been shopping for one and had picked one out! Sooo I ordered it the other night! It's an Olympus Stylus 9000 and I can't wait, its got 12 MP and 10x wide angle zoom and like 10000000 features. I can't wait! It was a perfect gift idea. I like this getting my birthday presents in July thing ;) Russia's the BEST!

I'm going home this weekend, so pumped, hopefully I will get a bit tanner so I don't go over and blend in too much! Gotta have me a true American summer! Gays, tans, lakes, and materialism already done, so I'm workin' on. Watch out Russia, I'm almost ready. Almost...

Chmok chmok,

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Preppin' and reppin'

So, I went to my study abroad orientation...which was a complete joke. The only useful part was something I missed part of, due to a classic St. Olaf induced migraine that lasted all night the night before, but three former students came in and talked to us. That was the only thing I held onto. Lucky for us in the afternoon we got put with the groups going to third world countries so I got to learn all sorts of things I don't need to know like 25 minutes on malaria, and another 20 on how to function in Islamic countries. Good thing I am in college with four classes to do work for so I had NOTHING else to do with my time. Seriously. Crazy. Fortunately the day wasn't a total waste, considering the three students who talked to us about Russia were very enlightening, and Tess of course who always answers my 2939148 questions I ask her almost every week :) Thanks Tess!

I have purchased some fabulous luggage, courtesy of Ms. Diane Von Furstenberg. One large 28" fuchsia suitcase and a grey-brown carry-on with a little snakeskin leather detailing, of course. The suitcase is totes me, and the carry-on is a perfect color that won't show dirt when I take it all over Russia with me!

The International Studies office is probably the greatest bane of my existence right now. They are not super helpful, which I thought they would be considering how many students go abroad from St. Olaf, and they have already screwed up several things for me including misinformation on getting my passport, and losing my visa application. I have some medical things to do still, which I have put off of course. I recommend for anyone planning to go abroad to get that stuff done like the first second you find out. It's a real pain.

BUT enough of my whining I LOVE preparing for Russia! I wish it was happening faster. I did find out that I will probably leave around September 1st or 2nd, so I have a little more time than I anticipated :) Probably to hang out with you, whoever you are reading this.
Currently in preparation for Russia I am looking for a new Gladys, my very large large oversized purse who I have worn out to death, but I can't find anything I like that is that big! I know I have months to look but I want it right NOW. Of course.

What else to update? Stephmoney is in Sweden right now, updating me on her travels, and she writes such fantastic blog entries I was inspired to publish another wee post. Although, hers are much more interesting considering she is actually in Sweden, and I am sitting in a Minnesota. Exotic!

More once more happens

Chmok Chmok