Saturday, September 18, 2010

I did it! Pictures! Finally. With the painstaking speed of death.

Here are the pictures, long awaited, with bated breath I am sure, they appear small, but if you click on them they are gigantic so check them out.

This is the incredibly pretty garden I found near Sarah's apartment.
It is such a little haven, as residential areas in Novgorod can be unkempt. I wanted to sit in it and read immediately...
but I guessed that would have been frowned upon.

Remember the bells I told you about?? HERE THEY ARE!!
Gorgeous right?

Mishkas! My fav Russian junk food. OMG they are SO CUTE and delicious.
They even have chocolate in them, and I like it so miracles can happen!

Yeah yeah I know, just tip your head. THIS is one of the TOWERS on the KREMLIN WALL. WHAAAAAAAT?!?!?!
YES I know hard to believe its reallll its so cool and so so so so old.

Yep thats me kinda disheveled on a bench in a park in Russia!

Yes. I ate a bacon flavored snack. It tasted like bacon. So of course, I was not wild about these "BEKON" snackz.

A church at the wooden architecture museum! Super neato right? Thats what my future home is going to look like.

Ok so work with me and tip your head because I suck at rotating things.
Ok so its the 1000 years of Russia monument.
It has 3 tiers. On top is the angel blessing...Mary I think?
Then the second tier down has the great rulers of Russia/Novgorod.
The archbishop and tsars and Rurik the first prince of Novgorod etc
Then the third tier is all statesmen, clergy, rulers, and writers/artists. ITS SO COOL.
More pictures of this will come. There are 129 figures on it total. SO COOL!!!!

My room after my first night sleeping. Those are my adorable bee
sheets which are SO comfy. And cheering. I forgot
to take a picture of the rest of the room.

Well, those are the pictures I have the patience to put up. It takes about 5 mins to upload each one and I am sleepy. Getting up tomorrow for a Skype date with my REAL MOM!!!!!! Unfortunately I have to rise at 630 am, but I'll do anything for that special lady.

Enjoy the pics, I'll report back soon with tales of my NEW RUSSIAN FRIENDS! :)))

Chmok Chmok
Taan Taan

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